Vinod Kumar Velappan, RCIC
amovai Immigration
Startup Visa
To qualify for Start-up Visa Program
have a qualifying business
get a letter of support from a designated organization
meet the language requirements
bring enough money to settle
Qualifying business means a business created that meets the following conditions
At the time of a commitment from a designated organization:
each applicant holds 10% or more of the voting rights attached to all shares of the corporation outstanding at that time (up to 5 people can apply as owners) and applicants and the designated organization jointly hold more than 50% of the total voting rights attached to all shares of the corporation outstanding at that time
At the time of receiving permanent residence:
provide active and ongoing management of this business from within Canada
an essential part of the operations of the business happens in Canada
this business is incorporated in Canada
Get a letter of support from a designated organization
contact the designated organization to find out how to get its support
Applicant to convince the organization that they have a business idea that is worth supporting
get a letter of support from the designated organization
On reaching an agreement with the designated organization, the organization will send the applicant a letter of support. This letter is to be included with the application. The designated organization will also send a commitment certificate directly to IRCC.
Bring enough money to settle
When applying for new start-up visa immigration, it is required to prove that the applicant has enough money to support themself and their dependents after arriving in Canada. The amount depends on the size of your family.
Number of family members
Funds required (in Canadian dollars)
1. $13,213
2 $16,449
3 $20,222
4 $24,553
5 $27,847
6 $31,407
7 $34,967
For each additional
family member. $3,560