Vinod Kumar Velappan, RCIC
AMOVAI Immigration
Self-employed person
Eligibility for a self-employed person
have relevant experience
be willing and able to be self-employed in Canada
meet the program’s selection criteria and
meet medical, security and other conditions
Must also score at least 35 points on a selection grid designed to determine whether candidate will be able to make an economic contribution to Canada.
To prove having relevant experience candidates must have at least two years of experience during the period starting 5 years before the day of application and ending on the date a decision is made on the application. More points are allocated for 3,4 & 5 years of experience
taken part in cultural activities or athletics at a world-class level or
been a self-employed person in cultural activities or athletics
Experience of candidate must be:
for cultural activities:
2 one-year periods being self-employed in cultural activities, or
2 one-year periods participating at a world-class level in cultural activities, or
a combination of a one-year period described in (a), and a one-year period described in (b)
for athletics:
2 one-year periods being self-employed in athletics, or
2 one-year periods participating at a world class level in athletics, or
a combination of a one-year period described in (a) above, and a one-year period described in (b) above
Selection criteria Maximum points
Education 25
Experience 35
Age 10
Points for education: maximum 25 points
EducationMaximum 25 points
You have a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 25 points
You have two or more university degrees at the bachelor’s level and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 22 points
You have a three-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 22 points
You have a university degree of two years or more at the bachelor’s level and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 20 points
You have a two-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 20 points
You have a one-year university degree at the bachelor’s level and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 15 points
You have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 15 points
You have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study- 12 points
You completed high school- 5 points
Points for experience: maximum 35 points
Two years of relevant experience - 20
Three years of relevant experience - 25
Four years of relevant experience - 30
Five years of relevant experience - 35
Points for age: maximum 10 points
Age Points
16 or under. 0
17 2
18 4
19 6
20 8
21–49 10
50 8
51 6
52 4
53 2
54+ 0
Points for language ability: maximum 24 points
Points for adaptability: maximum 6 points
Spouse or common-law partner’s level of education
Secondary school (high school) diploma or less: 0 points
A one-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship, or university degree and at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 3 points
A two or three-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship, or university degree and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 4 points
A master’s degree or PhD and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 5 points
Previous work in Canada - 5
Previous study in Canada - 5
Relatives in Canada - 5